Bonewerks CulinArte - Julia Would Approve

Julie Child was a devoted explorer of the culinary world. No matter where she was, she was always looking for the best product - that special ingredient which, when combined with insightful technique, would create an unforgettable dining experience.

Julie was precise. She wanted simply the best. One can only believe she would have raved about Bonewerks CulinArte, a true treasure of a company that produces a line of pure and all-natural classic sauces for both professional chefs and the creative home cook.

Julia adored all things relating to French cuisine. But she was also a practical American. If she had seen the care Corporate Chef Tom Sausen and his staff of fellow culinary professionals take in the preparation of each and every glace, she would surely have said, “Fantastique!”

They start (as Julie always did) with great stock. To make that stock, fresh bones are slowly oven-roasted to bring out their true rich flavor. Fresh vegetables, flavorful herbs and savory spices are added to the waiting water where the prepared bones have been transferred. Then slowly for over 24 hours, all the ingredients are simmered and skimmed to perfection in open kettles by master chefs.

The result: unbelievable divine. Consider the range: Glace de Veau (veal), Glace Poulet(chicken), Glace Carnard (duckling), Glace d'Agneau (lamb), Glace de Porc (pork), Glace de Homard (lobster) and Glace de Mire Poix (vegetarian).

 All are fat-free, sodium free, transfat free, preservative and additive free. That’s food as it should be. And top chefs agree as fine restaurants and elite cruise lines are among Bonewerks CulinArte’s many devoted clients.

If you have not savored these amazing sauces, don’t wait. They are perfect for the coming holidays. Your friends (like Julia) will rave but the secret will be all yours: Bonewerks CulinArte

Your Culinary World copyright Ana Kinkaid/Peter Schlagel 2010

Posted on October 7, 2010 .