Thoughts on the Tragic Japanese Earthquake and the Nature of Our Industry

No one in our industry stands alone.  As members of the hospitality industry we are all part of a professional network that encompasses the world. Thanks to the Internet, international marketing and a universal heritage of cuisine and service, all those who create and offer food, drink and lodging have an understanding colleague no matter where they go in this wide world.

For this reason, the heart of the industry aches for Japan today as the brave citizens there seek to recover from a massive 8.9 earthquake and destructive tsunami . Those of us who have been fortunate enough to travel or work in Japan know its legendary beauty and gracious people.  

Be assured that as the rubble is removed from Japan’s shattered streets, the world’s leading chefs and their fellow colleagues within the hospitality industry will group together and offer relief and aid as they did during the sad days of 9/11.

Such is the nature of our industry and the true spirit of our profession. Our thoughts and prayers are with our many colleagues in grieving Japan today.

Your Culinary World copyright Ana Kinkaid/Peter Schlagel 2011

Posted on March 11, 2011 and filed under Chefs, Courage, Professionalism.