The Ledbury Restaurant Ranked as London's Best by Harden's

As Charles Dickens wrote, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”.  He was, of course, referring to Paris during the tumultuous days of the French Revolution.

But he was also referring to his own beloved London when he wrote that sentiment in his groundbreaking novel, A Tale of Two Cities.

London still mirrors that statement as it was just three weeks ago that the Australian chef Brett Graham and his staff at London’s famed restaurant, The Ledbury, drove rioters from their restaurant with kitchen tools in hand.

For their courage, the staff at Your Culinary World was delighted to acknowledge their professional bravery with the Golden Rolling Pin Award.

Now Harden’s, one of the United Kingdom’s leading restaurant review guides, has ranked them first among London’s many outstanding restaurants. Congratulations once again and well done. They completely deserve it!

Their first place ranking is based on the reviews submitted by over 8,000 delighted diners which puts The Ledbury's staff among such former winners as the well known chef Gordon Ramsay.

It seems that The Ledbury staff can both defend and create with equal skill and finesse their restaurant and their guests.  Now that’s a truly well trained staff! 

When in London, be sure to visit there -you will find both the staff AND cuisine memorable as all of London does.

Your Culinary World copyright Ana Kinkaid/Peter Schlagel 2011